
I set up this blog almost eight years ago. I was learning about functional programming at the time, and chose to implement the static site building pipelines in JavaScript - with a custom made monadic CPS framework. It was the worst code I have ever written, even if it is still functional. Every single bug fix over the years was hair-pulling difficult, truly one of the worst in terms of maintainability (I am too embarrassed to link the code here).

Nonetheless, I still consider the knowledge gained in learning about and implementing an ill-advised version of continuation monads valuable. The problem was, I had forgotten about most of what I learned back then. I wrote this article as a refresher for myself.

Perhaps better written articles on this topic

The Mother of all Monads

A page about call/cc

Continuations in JavaScript

Continuation Passing Style (CPS) is a programming pattern where control is passed explicitly through continuation functions. In simpler terms, instead of returning the result of a function traditionally, the function passes the result to another function (the continuation function) that you define and which dictates what happens next.

In JavaScript, a language with first class functions, CPS can be implemented using callback functions. A callback function is a function passed into another function as an argument, which is then invoked inside the outer function to complete some kind of routine or action. Here’s a basic example in JavaScript:

function add(a, b, callback) {

    const sum = a + b;

    callback(sum); // passing the result to the callback function


function print(result) {

    console.log('The sum is:', result);


add(5, 7, print); // This will log "The sum is: 12"

A Continuation Monad in TypeScript

First a named callback type to improve readability before things get complicated:

type Callback<T> = (arg: T) => void;

While a standard function returns a value directly, as in const ret3 = () => 3, a CPS-style function, such as const Ret3 = (k: Callback<number>) => k(3), invokes a provided callback with its result.

To formalize this approach, we encapsulate such functions in a class, enabling us to implement monadic interfaces, the most significant of which is flatMap (analogous to >>= or bind in Haskell):

class Cont<T> {

  static of<U>(a: U): Cont<U> {

    return new Cont((k) => k(a));


  constructor(private runCont: (k: Callback<T>) => void) {}

  run(k: Callback<T>) {



  map<U>(f: (arg: T) => U): Cont<U> {

    return new Cont((k) => {

      this.runCont((t) => k(f(t)));



  flatMap<U>(f: (arg: T) => Cont<U>): Cont<U> {

    return new Cont((k: Callback<U>) => {

      this.runCont((t) => f(t).run(k));




An example of a simple add function in this style:

const Add = (a: number, b: number): Cont<number> => new Cont((k) => k(a + b));

In fact, we can transform any regular style function to CPS function with this helper:

function xform<F extends Function>(

  f: F,

): (...args: Parameters<F>) => Cont<ReturnType<F>> {

  return (...args) =>

    new Cont((k) => {

      const ret = f(...args);




const mul = (a: number, b: number) => a * b;

const Mul: (a: number, b: number) => Cont<number> = xform(mul);

Let’s compare a full program translation with both regular and CPS styles:

// Regular

const sum = add(1, 2);

const prod = mul(sum, 1);


// CPS

Add(1, 2)

  .flatMap((sum) => Mul(sum, 1))

  .run((prod) => console.log(prod));

Do Notation

Writing code in CPS can be cumbersome and reminiscent of the “callback hell”. To alleviate this, we introduce a simplified version of Haskell’s Do notation into JavaScript/TypeScript using generator functions:

function _do<R>(genFn: Generator<Cont<unknown>, R, unknown>): Cont<R> {

  const gen = genFn();

  const recurr = (val) => {

    const { value, done } =;

    if (!done) {

      return value.flatMap(recurr);

    } else {

      return Cont.of(value);



  return recurr();


Due to TypeScript’s expressive yet constrained type system, fully typing this helper function is challenging. It uses unknown types since there’s no single type for the yielded values or the values sent into the generator. Here’s an example usage:

const print = (x: any) => console.log(x);

const Print = xform(print);

_do(function *() {

  const sum = yield Add(1, 2);

  const prod = yield Mul(sum, 1);


  yield Print(prod);

  return prod;

}).run(k => {});

In true functional programming style, this approach allows us to construct a large Cont monad that represents the entire program as a data structure. The final run(k => {}) call initiates the actual computations.

call/cc Magic

Now that we have built some useful CPS primitives, finally, we are ready to talk about call/cc (call with current continuation).

type CC<T> = (x: T) => Cont<any>;

function callcc<T>(f: (cc: CC<T>) => Cont<T>) {

  return new Cont(k => f(a => new Cont(_ => k(a))).run(k));


When callcc is invoked, it gives the function access to the current continuation as an argument. This continuation can be called with a value to “jump back” to the point where callcc was called, effectively allowing functions to control the flow of the program in non-linear ways. I understand this description is hand-wavy, and the one liner implementation of callcc might look impenetrable and hard to make sense of. Let’s consider a concrete example expanded from the previous section.

const Main = _do(function *() {

  const sum = yield Add(1, 2);

  const prod = yield Mul(sum, 1);

  yield Print(`start prod = ${prod}`);

  const value = yield callcc(raise => _do(function *(){

    yield Print("about to raise 4");

    const never = yield raise(4);

    yield Add(never, 44);

    yield Print("unreachable!");

    return -1;


  yield Print(`log value: ${value}`);

  yield Print('end');

  return value;

}); => {});

When raise(4) is called within callcc, it effectively “jumps” back to the callcc invocation, replacing the continuation with the value 4. This makes the program flow jump to the logging of value, skipping the remaining code, namely these statements:

yield Add(never, 44);

yield Print("unreachable!");

The output demonstrates this flow:

start prod = 3

about to raise 4

log value: 4


Breaking Down callcc in Detail

In this section, we’ll take a deep dive into how the callcc function operates in the provided TypeScript code. This detailed breakdown will involve expanding the code step-by-step and explaining each part to illustrate the underlying mechanism of callcc. We start with the original callcc function definition:

function callcc<T>(f: (cc: CC<T>) => Cont<T>) {

  return new Cont(k => f(a => new Cont(_ => k(a))).run(k));


In the code example, callcc is used as follows (after desugaring the _do notation):

callcc((raise) =>

  raise(4).flatMap((never) =>

    Add(never, 44).flatMap((_) =>

      Print("unreachable!").flatMap((_) => Cont.of(-1)),




First Level of Expansion

We expand the callcc usage by substituting the lambda function passed to f in callcc:

new Cont((k) =>

  ((raise) =>

    raise(4).flatMap((never) =>

      Add(never, 44).flatMap((_) =>

        Print("unreachable!").flatMap((_) => Cont.of(-1)),


    ))((a) => new Cont((_) => k(a))).run(k)


In this expanded form:

  1. new Cont(k => ...): A new continuation is created, where k is the continuation representing the rest of the computation after callcc.
  2. (raise => ...): A lambda function is provided, taking raise as its argument. raise is a function that will capture the current continuation.

Second Level of Expansion

At this stage, we’ll replace raise with the function (a) => new Cont((_) => k(a)). Here’s how it looks after this expansion:

new Cont((k) =>

  ((a) => new Cont((_) => k(a)))(4)

    .flatMap((never) =>

      Add(never, 44).flatMap((_) =>

        Print("unreachable!").flatMap((_) => Cont.of(-1)),





In this expanded form:

  1. ((a) => new Cont((_) => k(a)))(4): The lambda function (a) => new Cont((_) => k(a)) is immediately invoked with the value 4.
  2. new Cont((_) => k(4)): The invocation results in a new Cont instance. Inside this Cont, the unused parameter _ is ignored, and k is directly called with 4, full code below:
new Cont((k) =>

  new Cont((_) => k(4))

    .flatMap((never) =>

      Add(never, 44).flatMap((_) =>

        Print("unreachable!").flatMap((_) => Cont.of(-1)),





Implication of the Expansion

This expansion illustrates the key operation of callcc. The new Cont instance created (new Cont((_) => k(4))) is a continuation that, when run, bypasses the remaining computation in the lambda function and directly applies 4 to the continuation k. This effectively “jumps” back to the continuation point where callcc was invoked, using the value 4. As a result, the flatMap chain that follows this new Cont instance is never executed, and any code within it becomes unreachable.

Some really cursed stuff

For our next example, we’ll forgo the _do helper and use flatMap directly, since generators are stateful and cannot truly and properly model the Do notation (which is syntactic sugar only).

let ccStash;

const Main2 = Add(1, 2)

  .flatMap(sum => Mul(sum, 1))

  .flatMap(prod => {

    return callcc(cc => {

      ccStash = cc;

      return cc(prod);



  .flatMap((v) => Print(`v = ${v}`).map(() => v + 1))

  .flatMap((v) => ccStash(v)); => {});

At the callcc call site, we sneakily stash away the cc variable, which is a lambda representing “the rest of the program” consisting of:

.flatMap((v) => Print(`v = ${v}`).map(() => v + 1))

.flatMap((v) => ccStash(v));

Note ccStash is invoked as a final part of ccStash itself! Unsurprisingly, running this leads to an infinite loop and stack overflow:

v = 1271

v = 1272

v = 1273

v = 1274

v = 1275

v = 1276

error: Uncaught (in promise) RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded



    at print (file:/dev/cont/index.ts:68:3)

    at Cont.runCont (file:/dev/cont/index.ts:36:17)

    at Cont.runCont (file:/dev/cont/index.ts:17:12)

    at (file:/dev/cont/index.ts:12:10)

    at file:/dev/cont/index.ts:26:14

    at Cont.runCont (file:/dev/cont/index.ts:100:44)

    at (file:/dev/cont/index.ts:12:10)

    at file:/dev/cont/index.ts:26:14

    at file:/dev/cont/index.ts:18:9

    at Cont.runCont (file:/dev/cont/index.ts:37:5)

This illustrates the powerful and potentially dangerous nature of continuations and call/cc in programming.

Why we might want to use CPS

In JavaScript particularly, using callbacks for computation lifts the restriction of returning results synchronously. This is why old style nodejs api for async IO were all callback-based. Consider the following addition to our toy CPS machineary:

function xformAsync<T, F extends (...args: any[]) => Promise<T>>(f: F): 

  (...args: Parameters<F>) => Cont<T> {

  return (...args) => new Cont(k => {

    const retPromise = f(...args);




Similar to xform, this helper function transforms an async function that returns a Promise into a CPS function. We can mix and match sync and async functions in the same framework, as shown below:

_do(function *() {

  const id = yield Join("prefix_", 3);

  const res = yield Fetch(`objects/{id}`);


  yield Print(res);


This is but one simple taste of what a unified CPS framework could bring. Continuation is a pretty general and powerful concept that can be used to implement advanced control flows such as exceptions and coroutines. The Wikipedia article on CPS also mentions using CPS as an IR for functional language compilers as an alternative for SSA (an idea I would like to explore some day).

As another fun exercise to showcase CPS’s powerful nature, we will implement a basic form of coroutines using call/cc. Coroutines are program components that generalize subroutines by allowing multiple entry points and suspending and resuming execution at certain locations. Unlike the generators we’ve used in _do notation, here we will manually control the flow of execution using call/cc.

Stashing cc for Later Use

The key to implementing coroutines is to capture the current continuation (cc) and save it for later use. This allows us to pause the coroutine’s execution and resume it from the same point.

First, we need a place to store our continuation:

let savedContinuation: CC<void> | null = null;

Defining Coroutine Functions

We can now define functions that use call/cc to save their continuation and yield control:

function pause() {

  return callcc<void>((cc) => {

    savedContinuation = cc; // Save the continuation

    return new Cont(k => {}); // Return a continuation that aborts



function resume() {

  if (savedContinuation) {

    const cc = savedContinuation;

    savedContinuation = null; // Clear the saved continuation

    return cc(undefined); // Resume the saved continuation

  } else {

    return Cont.of(); // No-op if there's nothing to resume



Using Coroutines

With pause and resume, we can now write coroutine-like functions. For example:

const CoroutineExample = _do(function* () {

  const tstart =;

  console.log("Coroutine started");

  yield pause();

  const elapsed = - tstart;

  console.log(`Coroutine resumed after ${elapsed}ms`);

  return 42;

}); => console.log(`Coroutine completed with ${result}`));

Somewhere else in the code, we can resume the coroutine:

// This would typically be triggered by some event or condition

setTimeout(() => {

  resume().run(() => {});

}, 1000);


Coroutine started

Coroutine resumed after 1003ms

Coroutine completed with 42


  • pause: When called within a coroutine, pause uses call/cc to capture the current continuation (the rest of the coroutine) and saves it in savedContinuation. It then returns an aborting continuation.
  • resume: When invoked, resume checks if there is a saved continuation. If so, it resumes the coroutine from where it was paused, using the saved continuation.
  • CoroutineExample: This is a simple coroutine that starts execution, pauses for one second, and then resumes.


In this article, we explored the concept of Continuation Passing Style (CPS) and its application in JavaScript and TypeScript. We began by understanding the basics of CPS, illustrating how functions can explicitly pass control using continuations. This was followed by an exploration of how to encapsulate CPS functions in a Cont monad, enabling powerful monadic operations like flatMap.

The discussion of the call/cc function was a central part of this exploration. By breaking down its implementation and usage, we gained a deep understanding of how call/cc captures and manipulates continuations, allowing for non-linear execution flows. This insight was crucial for appreciating the power and flexibility of continuations in managing program control flow.

Furthermore, we demonstrated how call/cc can be used to implement coroutine-like structures in TypeScript. By stashing and resuming continuations, we showed how control can be paused and resumed in an application, simulating the behavior of coroutines.

This journey through CPS and call/cc underscores the richness of functional programming concepts and their applicability in modern programming languages like JavaScript and TypeScript. The ability to control and manipulate the flow of a program at such a granular level opens up possibilities for writing more expressive, powerful, and maintainable code, at least in theory. It encourages a different way of thinking about functions and control flow, beyond the traditional linear and nested structures. In practice however, I would not recommend its usage. There are several reasons why I would caution against the practical use of CPS in JavaScript or TypeScript for most applications:

  1. Suboptimal Substitute for Do Notations: Generator functions in JavaScript are not true substitutes for Do notations, which are best supported by language-level compiler features. The syntactic and semantic gap can lead to less intuitive and more cumbersome code. Occasionally, it will fail entirely due to the stateful nature of generators.
  2. Lack of Tail Call Optimization: JavaScript currently lacks proper tail call optimization, a critical feature for functional programming styles like CPS. Without it, recursive CPS can lead to stack overflow errors, limiting its practicality.
  3. Maintainability Challenges: CPS can create convoluted control flows, making the code hard to follow and maintain. Each addition or modification can become a significant challenge, as I personally experienced.
  4. Debugging Difficulties: Debugging CPS code can be a nightmare. Stack traces become less meaningful, and understanding the flow of execution can be arduous, often requiring a deep dive into the mechanics of CPS.

When it comes to practical application in JavaScript or TypeScript, sticking to standard language features like Promises and async/await is often the wiser choice. These features provide a more straightforward, maintainable, and debuggable approach to asynchronous programming, aligning better with the language’s design and the ecosystem’s expectations.